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Sofia Jen Ouyang (b.2001) is committed to creating artwork that both expressively and critically engages with other people and the world. Sofia is the winner of two BMI Composer Awards (2023, 2024), 17th Annual John Eaten Memorial Competition (2024), Riot Ensemble call for scores (2024), Columbia University Douglas Moore Prize (2023), Juilliard Orchestra Competition (2023), American Prize in Composition (2022), and the Juilliard Gena Raps Piano Chamber Music Prize (2022). She received honorable mention from the New York Youth Symphony First Music Commission (2024), the Luigi Nono International Composition Prize (2023), and is one of eight composers selected to attend Lucerne Festival Composer Seminar (2023). In addition, Sofia is a Fromm Foundation Fellow at Composer's Conference (2024), a recipient of the ARTZenter Emerging Composer Completion Grant (2024), a BluePrint composer fellow with National Sawdust (2021), a recipient of Columbia University’s Rapaport Fellowship (2021, 2022), and her works have been selected by Serbian Composer Association's 31st International Review of Composer and Society of Composers Inc. (2021). In 2025, the Orchestra of St. Luke’s will premiere a new work by Sofia as part of the DeGaetano Composition Institute.
Sofia’s works has been performed across the US, Europe, and Asia, including in venues such as Lincoln Center, Frankfurt Oper, Columbia University Miller Theatre, Luzern KKL, Arvo Pärt Center, The DiMenna Center for Classical Music, National Sawdust, New England Conservatory Jordan Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, Vienna School of Music and Performing Arts, Rockport Music Shalin Liu Performance Center, and in music festivals such as Lucerne Festival, Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival, New Music On The Point, APAC Choir Festival, ICEBERG, and Atlantic Music Festival. Her music has been played by Ensemble Modern, the Juilliard Orchestra, New York Virtuoso Singers, JACK Quartet, San Francisco Contemporary Players, Riot Ensemble, Trio Immersio, National Sawdust Ensemble, Isabel Gleicher, Hsin-Yun Huang, Wu Man, Brittany Hewitt, Jeffrey Zeigler, Stanislav Chernyshev, Cornelia Herrmann, Scott Hartman, and Sae Hashimoto. She is also passionate about multidisciplinary projects and her collaborators include theater director Zhou Ke, visual artist Sydney Lee, choreographers Connor Freeman and Katie Sponenburg, Columbia Ballet Collaborative, and filmmaker Rachel Suleymanov.
Sofia is the Music Director of Westside Chamber Players for the 2024-25 season. She is the Co-Artistic Director of Columbia University Bach Society for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 seasons, and has introduced contemporary music into the repertoire of this 70-member choir and orchestra ensemble through the commissioning of emerging composers.
Sofia holds bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and Music from Columbia University and studied composition with Andrew Norman and Amy Beth Kirsten at The Juilliard School. She is currently a doctoral candidate in Composition at Columbia University, studying with Marcos Balter.
美籍华裔青年作曲家欧阳真真致力于创作具有感染力、思辨性、立体且多元的音乐。欧阳真真本科毕业于哥伦比亚大学哲学与音乐双学位,师从茱莉亚学院与Andrew Norman和Amy Beth Kirsten,并且在2024年秋季入学哥伦比亚大学攻读作曲博士学位, 师从Marcos Balter。欧阳真真获得过两次美国广播音乐协会(BMI)作曲奖(2023、2024),茱莉亚学院交响乐作曲奖(2023),哥伦比亚大学道格拉斯·穆尔作曲奖(2023),美国作曲奖(2022),以及路易吉·诺诺国际作曲奖荣誉提名(2023)。其次,她获得了2024年美国作曲家会议的哈佛弗洛姆基金奖学金,2022年国家木屑音乐厅的蓝图奖学金, 并且将在2025年夏季参加法国的枫丹白露音乐与建筑学院。
欧阳真真的作品在亚洲、北美洲以及欧洲多个国家演出,其中包括了美国纽约的林肯中心、米勒剧院、德国的法兰克福歌剧院、瑞士的卢塞恩文化艺术中心、爱沙尼亚的阿尔沃·帕特中心,塞尔维亚第31届国际作曲家作曲展演,以及琉森音乐节、恰普兰湖室内音乐节和亚太活动会议(APAC) 合唱团音乐节。她的合作者包括德国Ensemble Modern,英国Riot Ensemble,美国圣卢克管弦乐团,朱莉亚学院交响乐队,哥伦比亚大学巴赫协会,纽约演奏家歌手合唱团,奥地利Trio Immersio,JACK弦乐四重奏,琵琶演奏家吴蛮以及中提琴家黄心芸。同时,欧阳真真也热衷于跨媒体的艺术创作,并与编舞者Connor Freeman,哥伦比亚大学芭蕾协会,视觉艺术者Sydney Lee以及青年导演Rachel Suleymanov等不同艺术领域的创作者合作。

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